WP 4: Observations and Essential Variables

Kickoff Meeting
Gap Analysis Review


WP 4 has the goals

  • to monitor the current observations contributing to GEOSS through the GCI and the DAB. This is pursued by the GEO DAB (Discovery and Access Brokering) framework creating and populating in a systematic way an inventory of the brokered observations.
  • to analyse the created inventory as a systematic approach to recognize the different observed properties and their types (e.g. low level observations, high level observations, essential variables, indicators, etc.) and the existing gaps. This is pursued, by leveraging the information and knowledge contained by the Socio-Economic and Environmental Information Needs (SEE IN) Knowledge Base (formerly User Requirements Registry).

The workpackage has three tasks:

  • Task 4.1: Observation inventory requirements and methodology. As part of the ConnectinGEO methodology:
    • Define the needed vocabularies and thesaurus, in cooperation with the Socio-Economic and Environmental Information Needs (SEE IN) Knowledge Base group, to identify observations.
    • Define the requirements to recognize the different observation types (e.g. low level observations, high level observations, essential variables, indicators). This is pursued making use of the SEE IN Knowledge Base content.
    • Develop method to extend observation metadata collaboratively and based on the SEE IN Knowledge Base content.
    • Develop methods to extend observation metadata systematically.
    • Consider the needs of the new GEO Implementation Plan.
  • Task 4.2: Observation inventory design and analysis.
    • Define the observation inventory (database) model according to the requirements from Task 4.1..
    • Define the queryable information for the observation inventory. A collection of currently expected parameters is as follows: (i) spatial, temporal, and thematic coverage (considering missing data), (ii) accuracy/quality (metadata as well as data), (iii) accessibility (including licenses, standards, and formats), (iv) cost aspects (e.g. GEOSS Data CORE, fees), and (v) versions of observation descriptions.
    • Define the minimum set of information that will be needed to describe observations and measurements and that will be useful for further studying existing gaps — see Task 5.1.
  • Task 4.3: Observation inventory creation and population.
    • Create the observation inventory database, and populate it using the current information in the metadata concentrated in the DAB and the GCI.
    • Complement observation inventory data with previous inventories analysis and Copernicus services catalogues. A from of access through the DAB will be analyzed and implemented if time permits. Efforts will be done to equally consider remote sensing, airborne and insitu sensors. The new capabilities, introduced by Sentinel missions, will be considered.
    • Connect the observation inventory database to the SEE IN Knowledge Base to determine observations applicability in the different fields.
    • Using results from Task 2.3 and the SEE IN Knowledge Base content to elaborate a list of essential variables and indicators.
    • Where meaningful, connect observations to the related essential variables and/or indicators.
    • Where meaningful, connect observations to related forecasts and predictions models.
    • Complete the description of the observations and measurements automatically — for example, including sensor specifications or hierarchical relations. Consider the inclusion of derived observations as virtual sensors.
    • Complement the observation inventory with information extracted from scientific literature.
  • Task 4.4: Observation inventory feedback and revision.
    • Deploy and maintain a publicly accessible feedback catalogue integrated with the observation inventory. WP5 will use it to report results of industrial challenges.
    • Extend the GeoViQua feedback model for geospatial data with the possibility to provide feedback for missing data, i.e. without a reference to a dataset.
    • A single sign-on system in the feedback catalogue (and crowd-sourcing) while trying to be as easy to use as possible, for example using authentication protocols such as OAuth, SIML 2.0. Connect with the planned GEOSS single signon system.
    • Incorporate the needs and future changes in the new GEO Implementation Plan.
  • Task 4.5: Statistical analysis and publication.
    • Develop statistical analysis of observation descriptions based on the developed and populated observation inventory database.
    • Create visual summary statistics as basis for gap analysis.
    • Publish the observation inventory and the analysis methodology as part of the Open Access Pilot.

Deliverables of these tasks will become available here in due time.